Our waste matting is now converted into ‘Mini-Mats’ and as a result the amount of waste being ground down has significantly reduced (and using significantly less energy to do so!) –
These small mats or tiles, cover an area of 20cm x 25cm – so 20 tiles per sqmt. At 17 to 18mm thick and just £0.20 per tile a 5mt x 5mt area can be covered for just £100.00 (excluding delivery and VAT)
The tiles simply clip together, or can be bonded to clean floor surfaces and can be trimmed tight to walls. Alternatively they can be fixed using an aluminium ramp edge section or a more ornate stained hardwood ramp edge.
For an inexpensive, hard-wearing surface this is surely the answer for many applications!
Contact the team at sales@horsemat.co.uk for further details and detailed planning.