Kerala Floods

Indian Floods

Indian Flood


As Global sourcing companies, both EAS and our sister company Horsemat, import Natural rubber materials from India.

Their premium growing and processing region is in the South, with the state of Kerala being the most prominent.

This is a letter from one of our friends and business colleagues, which we believe outlines the plight of this region – as with all natural disasters, these people have not asked for this – it is not some form of retribution – but it gives us the opportunity to do what we can to help.

“Our state Kerala is going through a crisis due to the deadly monsoon. Hope you might have heard of the calamities we face at present which has destroyed and devastated the entire state. We had unexpected territorial rain for the last few weeks.  We have around 33 small and big dams, we mostly depend on hydro-electric projects for power supply. All the dams were full and authorities were forced to open all of them at a stretch. This has resulted in the diversion and overflow of rivers, all the low lying areas are flooded. The authorities had said that we have left 357 people dead since May 29th, over 3.53 lakh people are in relief camps across the rain savaged state.

Our Cochin airport is closed. Rail & road traffic is totally affected and there is a power failure in most of the areas. Our business is totally collapsed. No production and no movement of goods. Today is a sunny day and hope we can return to normalcy in one or two weeks. As a company, we haven’t faced any major loss to stock or machinery. The only problem is that we cannot keep our commitments of shipment dates to our valued customers. Anyway, we are informing the delays to all our customers.

But there is a sad and tragic side of the situation. Many areas near our factory are fully flooded, the water level has even crossed the second level of the buildings. Many of our workers are totally affected by the flood. They lost their house, belongings, vehicles & even important documents. Fortunately, there is no loss of life. All are struggling to return to normal life. The Government and different agencies are supporting them, but as you know with this common fund they cannot recoup or reconstruct their lives which they built up with their small savings for the last many years. The situation is so pathetic and it is beyond words.

In our companies capacity, we have decided to contribute an amount to the Government relief fund and besides it is our duty to extend our hands to our suffering colleagues. For the first time in our history, we decided to seek the help of our buyers worldwide to raise a fund for the relief operations ” For it is in giving that we receive”. ” We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”. No one has never become poor by giving, we urge you to donate an amount for the charity and relief work which we have already initiated to help those who are affected by the floods. We will extend our hands first to our colleagues and then to the most needy in our location.

With my personal help or with the contribution of the company we cannot do anything but our united effort will definitely help those who are in distress and agony. Whatever amount, big or small please transfer to our account at the earliest. The bank details are attached for your perusal. We will definitely come back to you with a report of what we have done with this amount.

Looking forward to your helping hand .”


Needless to say, contributions from our two companies are on their way with all our heartfelt wishes.