
EAS is a gasket manufacturer, producing an ever-growing selection of parts for almost every conceivable industry. Predominantly in the UK and Europe, the company also supplies parts into strategic outlets worldwide. Our first gasket was produced back in 2002. Since then, we’ve have ensured we take the same care and attention over each part, no matter how big or small. Our focus is strictly on our customers needs – from 1 off to multi-million requirements !

Gasket: a layer of material between two mating surfaces engineered to form a sufficient seal to stop leaks, ingress of foreign materials etc.

While this is the basic definition of any ‘Gasket’ – the alternative materials  converted today seems never-ending. Our expertise in selecting the right material and production process for each application is a major part of our service.

Most gaskets are fabricated from sheet or roll material using relatively simple hydraulic and pneumatic presses. With increased complexity of  these machines comes the ability to manufacture faster, to higher tolerances and with maximum yields. We also ensure minimum waste. Optimising all areas of process is paramount for any company looking to provide the most competitive product. We we take pride in ensuring all our processes follow this ethic.