According to the UK Government – “the importation, supply and use of all asbestos has been banned in the UK since 1999; the amphibole type has been banned since 1985. amphibole (blue and brown) asbestos is much more hazardous than serpentine (white) asbestos.”  – they also add that Asbestos is not considered harmful when in large pieces and undamaged” – this typically relates to Asbestos cement still found in many UK buildings.

Historically, Asbestos fibres were used in many types of gasket and sealing products, and certainly today, we still have customers sending in original gaskets made from Asbestos that we are asked to replicate.

Unfortunately, while the product has been banned across Europe, it is still mined and processed in many other countries.  Asbestos dust and fibre becomes air-borne when it is being processed and this should be controlled by sealed production areas and air filtration.

The likelihood of an overseas plant producing both Asbestos based materials and also Non-Asbestos based materials without cross-contamination is very high – we therefore ensure that none of our non-asbestos materials are sourced from companies who process both materials.

The reasoning is quite simple – finding just 1 fibre of asbestos in a gasket made from something we’ve guaranteed is Asbestos free – can result in a fine of between £20,000 and £300,000 – with potential maximums over £1million.

So – if you’re buying a non-asbestos product, please confirm the manufacturing source – and if it’s not in Europe – then definitely check your Insurance liability – because it’s unlikely you’ll get indemnity if you’re taking a risk !