Our Pledge to the NHS

The UK’s National Health Service is continuing to struggle. With tight budgets, low staff levels and the Ovid pandemic – many of us have observed the NHS at critical levels – almost at breaking point.

As a company there is very little we can do to help but to ensure we use the safest working practices and that we maintain our Zero accident level.

However, to help financially – we now pledge to provide any engineering parts we are able to supply at 50% below current cost prices – and even FREE OF CHARGE wherever possible.

All our hospitals, especially the older ones – run extensive boiler rooms, power plants and engineering departments – and all use a variety of gaskets and seals to keep their equipment running. It is imperative this plant is fully maintained, and regular servicing needs to be done.

So if, you’re in charge of engineering inventory in the NHS, please get in contact with us – we can confirm which parts we’re able to supply for each of your areas and then put together a price plan. We recognise that many parts used (especially gasket parts) are actually made from waste material or off-cuts and so we’ll supply those parts at Zero-Cost to you – anything else we can do, simply tell us what you’re currently paying and we’ll half the price !

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