2021 – Brexit and (hopefully) the aftermath of Covid19

With the uncertainty being faced by all businesses around Brexit in the UK  – which has been further compounded during 2020 by the Covid19 pandemic – some warning realisations are now beginning to appear.

Like all major economies, the UK relies heavily on trade with the rest of the World. In particular, goods and raw materials sourced from Asia and the Far East are vital lines of supply for British Industry.

Already in October and November, we have witnessed the frustrations of importers facing delays in shipping – and now coming up to Christmas, many shipments due in during December, now being put off until January or February.

While these delays are real issues, the greater problem that will effect everyone is the exorbitant increases in handling charges at this time of year. Standard 40foot containers that have cost £1600.00 to ship, are now being charged at figures closer to £6000.00.

If, like Apple – you container is packed with high value smart-phones that retail at £600+ each – that hike in transport cost only adds a few pence to the product. Importing low-cost raw materials and parts however, can mean the costs of those materials will increase significantly – perhaps by 25% or more.